Life of Pi
Yann Martel's Life of Pi
Pi Patel is a clever, serene boy with a wild tale to tell. This story is a bit like The Wizard of Oz. Let your inner child choose a book this time.
Yann Martel's Life of Pi
Hey, any thoughts out there regarding slaving myself out to wrap Christmas gifts? I mean, a lot of people grumble about the wrapping part of the gifting, but I find it kinda fun. I mean, when the cats are not helping and there is enough flat surface at the correct height for comfort. I especially enjoy weirdly-shaped objects, and wrapping things that there is no way to disguise. What sort of pay schedule would such a venture warrant? Anyone? Beuller?
OK, Riya sounds absolutely amazing. This software, which is still in the alpha phase of development, can recognize and tag photos with the people in them (once you train it with a dozen images or so of each person) It can also figure out the text in signs in the photos, so you could search for "Niagra Falls" and find the photo you took of the sign there. I have thousands of digital photos and like with the other areas in my life, I am not good at keeping on top of the organization of them. I have so many pics without tags and so many duplicates. This could be a real sanity saver. AND IT IS FREE! Ok, sorry to scream that from the rooftops, but how cool is that?
Pride and Prejudice (2005) with Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen was a real treat. I have been remiss in reading the classics, and did not know the storyline going into this movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. This is one of those romance movies that reminds you what it feels like to be so in love that you physically ache to be with that person. OK, if you have never allowed yourself to fall that deeply in love, I am sorry for you. To be drawn to someone on such a level, to "love so much it hurts" is something we should each feel at least once in our life. It does not have to be a smart choice or the person our friends would choose for us. It does not even have to be the sort of love that can carry us through marriage, thick and thin, better or worse; it just needs to be deep down to our core love.
I listen to audiobooks while I drive. I have a subscription to so I get two new books each month. Prior to this website's offerings, I was paying $35-$75 for a book on CD. Now I pay $19.95 for two, and I can re-download them if I lose a CD. I usually just put them on my iPod nano and listen there. (I use a cassette adapter to pipe the sound through my car stereo)
I have borrowed a Sizzix die-cutter from a friend and will be attempting to make gift tags and bags with it.
I have just been introduced to the puzzle called Su Doku. I enjoy logic puzzles, and while this one has very simple rules, it is pleasantly challenging. 'Not so challenging as to be too frustrating, but enough so that I will stick to pencil for now. (a coworker solves them in ink!)
Ah, Santa is getting his stuff together. I have a feeling time is going to begin to accelerate very soon and many of us will feel the crunch. I am just glad I do not have to deliver to the entire planet.
I feel as though Christmas has become more about stress than joy. It is important to me to give gifts which show that I have some inkling about a person, or at the very least that I gave it a lot of thought. I personally do not want random stuff, and I figure other people feel the same way. I mean, any gift is appreciated, and I am certainly not a minimalist. I love my toys and gadgets. Still, I would be just as happy if the gift exchange could be trading off taking eachother to dinner or a movie, or something we both enjoy.
About a year ago I was visiting a friend and noticed she had a craft project sitting, unfinished on her countertop. She had lost her motivation when she found out she had to cut out 160 little triangles of fabric. I enjoy mindless tasks and managed to blaze through the fabric. We finished her faux-quilt and it now hangs in her dining room.
I REALLY want one of these nifty gadgets. The CraftROBO is a desktop cutter. It functions similarly to a plotter printer... but instead of a pen there is a knife. You create or delineate your graphics in vector form on the computer (propietary graphic format I think) and then you send your printed image (with registration marks) through the cutter and it cuts out your designs. You can make fancy pop-up cards, scrapbooking accents, vinyl stickers, paper sticker (you can set it to "kiss cut" through only half of the material, leaving the backing intact)